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8% - Концепции Памяти (общая психология)
...Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2000 Feb 15;97(4):1829-34, 21 Clark R.E., Zola S.M., Squire L.R. Impaired Recognition Memory in Rats after Damage to the Hippocampus. J. Neurosci. 2000, Dec.1;20(23): pp.8853-886. Cowan W.M., Harter D.H., Kandel E.R. The emergence of modern neuroscience: some implications for neurology and psychiatry. Annu Rev. Neurosci. 2000;23: pp.343-91. Eichenbaum H. The topography of memory Nature, 1999, Vol 402 , 9 December, 597-599...

8% - Психологические проблемы трудовой деятельности в условиях неопределенности (психология труда и инженерная психология)
...Е. (ред.) Вероятностное прогнозирование в деятельности человека. М., «Наука», 1977. Эдвардс У. Динамическая теория решений и вероятностная обработка информации. — В кн.: Инженерная психология. М., «Прогресс», 1964, с. 161 — 191. Audleу R. J. Some observations on theories of choice reaction time: Tutorial review. — In: S. Kornblum (Ed.). Attention and Performance IV...

8% - Список литературы по психологическим последствиям информатизации (списки литературы)
...Signal to noise: On the meaning of cyberpunk subculture // Communication in the age of virtual reality. LEA’s communication series. (Frank Biocca, Mark R. Levy, Eds.), pp. 347-368. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, Hillsdale, NJ, US, 1995. Becker, B. To be in touch or not? Some remarks on communication in virtual environments. 1997. http://duplox.w2-berlin.de/docs/panel/becker.html Barak A. «Empirical Evaluation of Brief Group Therapy Through an Internet Chat Room» http://construct.haifa.ac.il/~azy/cherapy.htm Cooper A.,  Scherer C. R.,  --some-- rPsychology and Behavior. The abstract is at http://www.concentric.net/~Astorm/gamaddabs.html King, S. A. (1996). Is the Internet Addictive, or Are Addicts Using the Internet? Retrieved [1999-11-24] http://www.concentric.net/~Astorm/iad.html King, S. A. (1999). Internet gambling and pornography: illustrative examples of the psychological consequences of communication anarchy. CyberPsychology and Behavior, Vol 2, 3...

8% - Литература (психология и интернет)
...TechnologicalHorizons in Education (T.H.E.) Journal [On-line] . Available (February, 1999): http://www.thejoumal.com/journal/magazine/97/sep/exclul.html 58.           Griffiths, M. (1997). Psychology ofcomputer use: XLIII. Some comments on "Addictive use of the Internet"by Young. PsychologicalReports, 80, 81-82. 59.           Grohol,J. M. (1998). The insider's guide to mental health resources online (rev. ed.).New York: GuilfordPress. 60.    --some-- rotica on men's attitudesand behavior toward women: An experimental study. Computers in Human Behavior, 13,353-369. 15.           Barak, A., Fisher, W. A., Belfry, S., & Lashambe, D. R. (1999). Sex, guys, andcyberspace: Effects of Internet pornography and individual differences on men'sattitudes toward women. Journalof Psychology and Human Sexuality, 11, 63-92...

8% - Некоторые психологические свойства и особенности Интернет как нового слоя реальности (психология и интернет)
...Психология интеллекта. В кн. Избранные психологические труды. М., 1969. Фрейд З. Будущее одной иллюзии. В сб. Психоанализ. Религия. Культура. М.: Ренессанс, 1991. Фрейд З. Недовольство культурой. В сб. Психоанализ. Религия. Культура. М.: Ренессанс, 1991. Becker, B. To be in touch or not? Some remarks on communication in virtual environments. 1997. http://duplox.w2-berlin.de/docs/panel/becker.html Claparede E...

8% - Стратегии самопрезентации в Интернет и их связь с реальной идентичностью (психология и интернет)
...Signal to noise: On the meaning of cyberpunk subculture // Communication in the age of virtual reality. LEA’s communication series. (Frank Biocca, Mark R. Levy, Eds.), pp. 347-368. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, Hillsdale, NJ, US, 1995. Becker, B. To be in touch or not? Some remarks on communication in virtual environments. 1997. http://duplox.w2-berlin.de/docs/panel/becker.html Dautenhahn K...

8% - ЛИТЕРАТУРА (социальная психология)
...Bender M.Does costruing people as similar involve similar behavior towards them? //Brit.j.soc. and clin.psychol. 1976. N 15. P. 93-95. 107. Berger E.,Golderger L. Field-dependence and shortterm memory // Percept. and MotorSkills. 1979. Vol. 49. P. 87-96. 108. Bertini M.Some implications of field dependence for education // Field dependence inpsyhological theory research and application...

8% - Мотивация самораскрытия в межличностном общении (социальная психология)
...Вып.1.ч.1. Ростов-на-Дону, 1996, с.187-205. Communication, Intimacy, and Close Relationships. N.Y.1984. 240p. Cozby P.C. Self-Disclosure: a Literature Review // Psychol. Bulletin, 1973, vol.79(2 ),p.73-91. Jourard S.M, Lasakow P. Some Factors in Self-Disclosure// The Journal of Abnormal  and Social Psychology, 1958, vol...

8% - Самотрансценденция как феномен человека (библиотека по психологии)
...New York, 1954. Charlotte Buhler. Theoretical Observations about Life’s Basic Tendencies, American Journal of Psychotherapy 13, 561, 1959. Charlotte Buhler. The Human Course of Life in its Goal Aspects. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 4:1,1964. Charlotte Buhler. Some Observations on the Psychology of the Third Force. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 5: 54, 1965. Abraham H...

8% - Эмоциогенные ситуации (библиотека по психологии)
... 3. Bridges K. M. B. Emotional development in early infancy, Child Development, 1932, 3, 324-341. 4. Brown J. S. Gradients of approach and avoidance responses and their relation to level of motivation, J. сотр. physiol. Psychol., 1948, 41, 450-465. 5. Estes W. K., Skinner B. F. Some quantitative properties of anxiety, J. exp. Psuchol., 1941. 29, 390-400. 6. Gastaut H. An observational study of anger, J...

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